You can check out the maximum file size for your court on our Support Center, and find information on other local court rules, too. the file must be below 35 MB., and each California court has its own limits. In most eFiling courts throughout the U.S. There’s a whole range of rules out there on file sizes depending on what back-office system the court is using to manage the filings it receives.
We are often asked at One Legal how to reduce the size of a PDF filing to ensure that is accepted by a court’s case management system and therefore successfully eFiled. A virtual conference to help you level up your legal career.How-to articles and frequently asked questions for using One Legal.Cultivated content for legal professionals, with productivity tips, legal technology news, and more.Free guides, webinars, checklists, and more by subject matter experts.Feedback and testimonials directly from our customers.The top reasons law firms choose One Legal.How One Legal became the leader in online legal support.Technology and process solutions to solve for high-volume filing needs.Access a managed, accurate list of case participants paired with software to facilitate the exchange of documents.Printed copies of filings delivered straight to the relevant departments and chambers.Professional service of summons, subpoenas, and other documents in minutes nationwide.Electronic and physical court filing in all California superior courts.